Prevalence of Dental trauma in Permanent anterior teeth among school children in Villupuram District
Original Article
Fracture, anterior teeth, crown fractureAbstract
Introduction: Traumatic tooth injuries range in severity from minor fractures of the enamel to whole tooth displacement (avulsion) brought on by a forceful blow to the tooth's supporting components. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of fracture in anterior teeth of children aged between 8 - 15 years, in different villages of Villupuram district.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional epidemiological study has adopted multi stage sampling design. Study was conducted in various schools in Villupuram district. A Type III clinical examination was carried out in just the correct quantity of natural light. Every participant who showed up on the exam day was included in the study. Patient’s Demographic details were collected followed by screening fractured teeth using Ellis Fracture classification and reason for fracture.
Result: Nearly 15% of the population had fractures in anterior teeth. Boy children had more fractures in anterior teeth compared to girl children. Most of the children had Ellis Class II Fracture followed by Ellis Class I fracture
Conclusion: Increased prevalence indicates the importance to formulate treatment plan and facilities in primary health centres to treat the injuries.
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