Knowledge and Attitude of ASHA workers in prevention of Early Childhood caries: A cross sectional study
Original Article
ECC, ASHA workers, Dental CariesAbstract
Accredited social health activists (ASHAs) are government instituted community health workers as part of the National Rural Health Mission. The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of ASHAs regarding Early Childhood caries.
A cross sectional survey was carried out among 190 ASHA workers. A self-constructed, 15 items, close-ended questionnaire based on the dental knowledge and the attitude of dental health was translated into regional language using a standardized translation process. The Questionnaire was distributed at the monthly review meeting held at Primary Health centres and their response was taken. The data was analysed and compared on basis on their educational level. The data were analysed by SPSS Version 24.
The content validity index of the questionnaire was 0.75 and the face validity was 3.2. The internal consistency was assessed with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and was found to be 0.876. Test–retest reliability is 0.8. The correct responses on knowledge of participants is 55.76% and for the attitude towards child oral health is 74.76%. Study also showed ASHA workers have poor knowledge about first dental visit and oral hygiene maintenance in children (p < 0.05). No statistical difference in knowledge and attitude of ASHA based on their educational level was noticed
The ASHA workers have only satisfactory knowledge about ECC but their attitude toward the Child Oral Health is good. Therefore training and motivation can help in educating them for preventive community programmes for ECC.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ashwini Cheruthottathil, Faizal C Peedikayil, Adarsh Mohan, Tony Varghese, Meenu Sara Manuel

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