Assessment of Sleeping Patterns among Health Care Students in Chennai – A Cross Sectional Study
Healthcare students, sleep pattern, Pittsburgh sleep quality index.Abstract
Background: Sleep is a fundamental physiological need, and disturbances in sleep quality can have detrimental effects on the quality of life. Poor sleep quality can particularly impact the academic performance of students, especially when they face a heavy academic workload that demands their full attention and activity. This study aimed to assess the factors influencing the sleep quality of medical students in a private medical college.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional, questionnaire based observational survey was conducted among health care students of first, second, third, final years, Interns and post graduates students in a private medical college with the total sample of 451 students. This sampling methodology was designed to assess the sleep patterns and sleep deprivation medical students using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Assessment.
Results: The prevalence of poor sleep quality was found to be 47.2% among the medical students, with higher rates detected among 3rd-year students. The study identified significant factors associated with poor sleep quality, including learning difficulties, anxiety related to exams, and the habit of going to bed late and waking up early.
Conclusion: The study reveals that sleep quality among medical students is influenced by various factors. Poor sleep quality not only affects daily functioning but also impacts the students' ability to maintain enthusiasm and meet the demands of their medical education.
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