Original research
Artificial teeth selection, Facial measurements, Interalar distance, Intercanthal Distance, Inter commissural DistanceAbstract
Aim: To select a approximate sized maxillary anterior teeth continues to be a challenge during complete denture construction. Facial measurements which have been used for section of teeth has proved to have sexual and ethnic differences.
Objective: To establish a correlation between the different facial measurements with the total width of maxillary six anteriors in the South Indian population to aid in teeth selection.
Materials and Method: 170 adults (85 males and 85 females) were chosen for measurements. The Interalar distance, the Intercanthal distance, the Inter commissural distance, the combined width of four maxillary incisors and maxillary six anteriors were measured using a Boley gauge. Data analysis was done with student “t” test and the mean and standard deviation were calculated on the basis of gender. The Correlation Coefficient was calculated to evaluate the relationship between the selected Anthropometric variants and the combined width of four maxillary incisors and maxillary six anteriors.
Result: The obtained values found to show higher values in males compared to female subjects (p<0.01). A statistically significant correlation coefficient existed between the Interalar distance and the total width of four maxillary incisors and maxillary six anteriors in males. for the ICD, IAD tested, no statistical differences were observed between gender to IcoD (P<0.07).
Conclusion: The results suggests that gender variations exists and as correlation coefficients were relatively small the Interalar distance can be used one of the technique for choosing the maxillary anterior teeth width for South Indian males for fabrication of complete dentures.
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