Original Research
Alkasite restorative material, Bulk Fill Composite, Confocal LASER scanning microscope, Class II restorationAbstract
Aim: This invitro study aimed to evaluate the microleakage at occlusal and crevical margins 1mm above and below CEJ of class II cavities restored with an alkasite restorative material and bulk fill composite resin.
Materials and Method : Forty intact extracted molars were split into two groups of 20 each. Standardized class II box cavities were prepared mesially and distally with dimensions 4mm buccolingually and 2mm mesiodistally. Group 1- Class II cavities with gingival seat 1mm above CEJ. Group 2- Class II cavities with gingival seat 1mm below CEJ. All the prepared cavity surfaces were etched, rinsed, Tetric N bond applied and light cured. The samples were further subdivided based on restorative material. Subgroup A: Mesial box cavities restored with Cention N. Subgroup B: Distal box cavities restored with Tetric N Ceram Bulkfill. The specimens were thermocycled, submerged in 0.5% aqueous Rhodamine dye for 24 hours, mesiodistally sectioned, and the depth of dye penetration was assessed using Confocal Laser Microscopy (CLSM).
Result: The data was analysed using Mann Whitney test and Wilcoxon signed Rank test. Both Tetric N Ceram Bulk fill and Cention N showed microleakage along occlusal and cervical margins at both levels (1mm above and below CEJ) and this difference was not significant statistically. Mean microleakage at occlusal margin was lower thancervical margin in both groups restored with Cention N and Tetric N Ceram bulk fill and this difference was statistically significant. Gingivally mean microleakage was higher with the margin 1mm below CEJ with both materials compared to the margin 1mm above CEJ. And this difference was statistically significant.
Conclusion: Tetric N Ceram and Cention N performed comparable in terms of microleakage and may be preferred for class II restoration of posterior teeth considering the decreased working time and their favorable properties.
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