Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding use of resin cements for indirect restoration amongst general dentist and specialist – A Survey
Knowledge, attitude and practice, total etch resin cements, self-etch resin cement, self-adhesive resin cement, resin cementsAbstract
Resin cements are also known as bonding cement. They exhibit adherence to the inner or intaglio face of the restoration and the interface of the tooth. Initially, the mode of earlier resin cement was generally a type of micro-mechanical form of adhesion mechanism. Currently, cements lute to tooth facet surface and to restorative interface by a chemical bond. It was observed that the resin cement exhibited more retention as compared to the conventional luting cement, primarily due to inherent high bond strengths, but the limitation were multiple steps, difficulty in cleaning up the clingy cement and being highly technique-sensitive luting agents. The self-adhesive resin cement does not need another bonding procedure. An understanding, knowledge and awareness of clinical performance of a luting agent system is imperative prior to selecting the material for the requisite clinical scenario. Since different types of materials like cast metal, base metal, gold alloys, porcelain-fused-to-metal, ceramic infiltrated materials, resin or composited based, and all-ceramic indirect restorative alternatives are available, hence, an ideal luting agent will have to match the inherent physical, mechanical, chemical, biological, and handling prerequisites like adequate and optimal working time, improved compressive strength, optimal flowability, negligible microleakage, devoid of solubility in saliva, adhesiveness, compatibility to the tooth and tissue, aesthetics, ease of manipulation and removal of excess.
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