Effect Of Soft Start and Pulse Curing Modes of light emitting diodes on Postoperative Sensitivity after restoration of Cervical Abrasion with Composites - A Randomized Control Clinical Trial
Original research
Cervical Abrasion, Postoperative Sensitivity, Pulse LED Curing Mode, Polymerization Shrinkage, Soft Start LED Curing ModeAbstract
Introduction: Postoperative sensitivity is merely a clinical manifestation of polymerization shrinkage that occurs within the composite -tooth interface. The slower rate of polymerization using slow curing models like soft start and pulse mode leads to improved ingress of the molecules in the restorative material, thus exponentially decreasing the polymerization shrinkage stress in a restoration.
Aim: To compare the effect of different Light emitting mode (LED) of curing like Soft start and pulse modes on the postoperative sensitivity after restoration of cervical abrasion with composite.
Materials and Method: All the patients were selected according to the inclusion criteria and divided into 2 groups. The sample size calculation suggested 20 cases for each individual group. The lesion was prepared by acid etching and applying bonding agent and curing it. Composite restoration was placed using incremental technique and each increment was cured accordingly, group A - soft start mode and group B - pulse mode. The patients were recalled after 1 week and 1 month to assess the postoperative sensitivity.
Result: There was no difference which was statistically significant between soft start and pulse led curing mode group as far as the postoperative sensitivity was assessed.
Conclusion: Restorations which were cured with soft start curing method did not exhibit significant difference in incidence of postoperative sensitivity when compared to pulse curing technique.
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