KAP Survey On Knowledge, Attitude And Practice of Cavity Disinfectants Among Dental Practitioners
Original research
Cavity disinfectants, Caries, Bacterial remnants, SurveyAbstract
Aim: This cross sectional study aims at assessing the knowledge, attitude and awareness on cavity disinfectants. The doctors were further addressed about the uses of cavity disinfectants.
Materials and Method: This survey will be conducted between the months of November to December 2018. A specially designed questionnaire consisting of 15 questions was used in the survey. The questionnaires were handed to 100 dental practitioners that were completely filled and returned.
Results: The participants are aware about the cavity disinfectants. The knowledge and practice of oral hygiene measures are good. Proper education about the importance of cavity disinfectants can improve the practice of better treatments that pave the way for cultivating these better treatments to the patients.
Conclusion: This study concludes that the knowledge, attitudes and awareness regarding cavity disinfectants is adequate. The participants are needed to be educated more and motivated to cultivate proper oral hygiene measures by initiating awareness programs.
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