Multidisciplinary Consideration for Managing Gingival Black Triangles in Aesthetic Dentistry: A Review
Alveolar bone, Gingival black triangle, Smile aesthetics, Multidisciplinary approachAbstract
The gingival black triangle is considered to be one of the most common aesthetic problems among adult patients that results due to loss of interdental papilla below the contact point that could impact function as well as smile aesthetics. Management of this condition is basically by multidisciplinary team efforts, including orthodontist, periodontist and restorative dentist. The aetiology of black triangles is multifactorial, but various researchers have explained the importance of alveolar bone thickness and gingival as well as periodontal health that may contribute to its occurrence. This review is focused to provide a comprehensive summary of the gingival black triangle and multidisciplinary consideration in its management.
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