Comparison of Clinical Efficiency between Super Elastic Nickel Titanium (SE NiTi) and Copper Nickel Titanium (Cu NiTi) Archwires during Alignment Phase of Orthodontic Treatment Original Research
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Introduction: The transformation of the Metallurgy industry over the years has brought outstanding improvement in Nickel Titanium (NiTi) alloy, resulting into orthodontic NiTi archwires with improved properties, which are routinely employed during the initial phase of orthodontic treatment. Nevertheless, the clinical superiority between the second and third generation of NiTi arch-wires; the Super Elastic NiTi (SE NiTi) and Copper NiTi (Cu NiTi) archwires respectively has not been studied in the Tanzanian population. Hence, this study aimed to compare the clinical efficiency of Super Elastic NiTi (SE NiTi) and Copper NiTi (Cu NiTi) arch-wires during the alignment phase of orthodontic treatment.
Material and Methods: A total of 82 patients with an irregularity index of >2 mm on the mandibular anterior site were randomly allocated to one of the two treatment groups, group 1 (0.014-in SE NiTi) and group 2 (0.014-in Cu NiTi). Randomization was accomplished by random number generation via Microsoft Excel, participants were randomly assigned equally into respective groups. The arch-wire types were labeled and placed in sequentially numbered opaque sealed envelopes for participant allocation. Blinding to group assignment was applied to the participant and during outcome assessment. Data were analyzed by SPSS Statistics version 25 with a p-value set at <0.05.
Results: A total of 153 potential participants were evaluated for eligibility. 67 of those were excluded. Therefore 86 patients were randomly allocated to either the study control group (group 1, n=43) or intervention (group 2, n=43). The number of participants analyzed were n=42 in group 1 and n=42 in the control group. The Little's irregularity index significantly decreased over time in both groups (p<0.001), however, there was no statistically significant difference between the two arch-wires types in their efficiency on teeth alignment (p = 0.435) and arch width expansion (p>0.05).
Conclusion: There was no significant difference between SE NiTi and Cu NiTi in alignment efficiency and arch width changes. There was no statistically significant inter-canine arch width change in the Cu NiTi group.
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