Comparison between Condyles in Affected and Unaffected Sides of Patients with and without Clefts by Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Original Research
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Objective: This study aimed to assess the effect of cleft lip and palate (CLP) on mandibular condylar volume and dimensions using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).
Methods and Materials: This cross-sectional study was conducted on the head, neck, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) CBCT scans of 18 patients with unilateral CLP (UCLP) and 18 non-cleft controls with class I occlusion. The ITK-SNAP software measured the mediolateral and anteroposterior dimensions and the height and volume of the right and left condyles. Comparisons were made by T-test and paired sample t-test (alpha=0.05).
Results: The mediolateral dimension of the condyle of the affected side in patients with UCLP was significantly smaller than the counterpart condyles in control controls, with a mean difference of 2.33 mm, P=0.002. This value on the unaffected side of patients with UCLP was also significantly smaller than the right and left condyles in control controls, with a mean difference of 2.05, P=0.005. Anteroposterior dimension, condylar height, and volume at the affected and unaffected sides of patients with UCLP were not significantly different within the group or when compared with healthy controls.
Conclusions: According to the present results, only the mediolateral width of the condyle at both sides in patients with UCLP was significantly smaller than the values in the right and left condyles of non-cleft controls. No other significant within-group or inter-group differences were found.
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