Comparison Of Prescription Accuracy Of Commercially Available Molar Tubes Using A Custom Made Device - An Invitro Study Original Research
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Objective : The aim of this in vitro study was to verify the accuracy of torque prescription in the buccal tubes of three commercially available molar bands using Play and Torque Measuring device and to quantify the amount of torsional play present in them.
Materials and Methods: A total of thirty preformed bands with 0.022 slot and McLaughlin-Bennett-Trevisi prescription were selected equally from three different brands for this cross-sectional in-vitro analytical study. The torsional play and torque of the molar bands were measured using the PTM device. The play and torque values obtained using the PTM device were used to calculate the play and torque using a formula. The play and torque values were measured for all the three groups. The mean values of play and torque obtained between three groups were measured using One-way ANOVA.
Results: All three groups had variations in the torque and play that were above the standard torque and play values. There was a statistically significant difference in the play and torque values between all the groups evaluated.
Conclusions : Orthodontists should be aware of the inherent manufacturing defects in the bands as this can prevent the achievement of ideal treatment results. This simple method can help us in determining the torque and play of the molar bands giving us better control over treatment mechanics.
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