Comparative Evaluation of Wear Resistance and Colour Stability of Three Different Oral Mucosal Protectors - An In Vitro Study Original Research
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Background: With increase in demand of patient acceptability and comfort, light cured temporary oral mucosal protectors such as Muco Soft LC (Anabond) and Soft Flow (Dentos) have been recently developed to prevent mucosal injury during orthodontic treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the wear loss due to friction over a period of time and colour stability of three oral mucosal protectors: Muco Soft LC (MS), Soft Flow (SF) and Flowable composite (FC).
Methodology: Three groups having 10 samples each were subjected to a toothbrushing simulator and pre and post weights were measured to evaluate wear. Five samples from each group were immersed in either artificial saliva or mouthwash for 24 hours. Colour change was evaluated using a spectrophotometer.
Results: A significant difference in material loss seen in MS (P = 0.000) and SF (P = 0.005). FC showed the least material loss followed by MS and SF. MS was dislodged from the wire post toothbrushing simulation. The calculated mean colour change values (ΔE) revealed that FC had the least colour change followed by SF and MS.
Conclusion: Least wear loss was observed with flowable composite. Artificial saliva showed greater colour change in Muco Soft LC and flowable composite whereas mouthwash produced a greater colour change in Soft Flow.
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