A Quantitative Analysis for Effect of Orthodontic Treatment on Body Posture and Its Correlation With Cervical Posture in Skeletal Class II Malocclusion – A Clinical Study Original Article
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AIM: To quantitatively evaluate and compare the body posture and its correlation with cervical posture and plantar pressure in subjects with skeletal class II malocclusion, before and after camouflage orthodontic treatment.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 18 subjects were considered for the study and subjected to lateral cephalograms and body posture analysis before and after camouflage orthodontic treatment. Cranio-cervical angles were compared before and after treatment using paired T test. A force platform was designed to accommodate the feet with pressure sensors placed at hallux, first metatarsal and medial calcaneus regions to record the loading pressure. The plantar pressure distribution values were correlated with the cranio-cervical angles.
RESULTS: There is statistically significant difference (p value <0.05) in the ANB angle, GoGn/OPT angle between pre and post camouflage orthodontic therapy indicating over extension of the head over the spinal column. Post treatment Pearson correlation coefficient indicates that the cervical curvature (OPT/CVT angle) has a negative correlation with the plantar pressure at medial calcaneus region. However, high statistical significance was found in the plantar pressure distribution before and after orthodontic treatment at all three regions.
CONCLUSION: Cervical curvature increased after camouflage orthodontic therapy, indicating over extension of the cervical spine. Plantar pressure reduced in the hallux, first metatarsal and medial calcaneus regions. The recorded value at the hallux region elicited considerable reduction indicating a shift in the plantar pressure from the most anterior region to the central region.
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