A Comparative Evaluation Of The Shear Bond Strength Of Two Different Orthodontic Bonding Agents On Artificial Crown Surfaces: An Invitro Study Original Research
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INTRODUCTION: Bonding of buccal tubes to the tooth is an essential procedure in orthodontic treatment. With the increase in the number of adult patients seeking fixed orthodontic treatment, there is a need to find a more reliable procedure to bond the artificial crown surface. Successful orthodontic treatment requires sufficiently high and durable bond between buccal tubes and ceramic/zirconia surfaces. There is a need for a bonding agent which can provide maximum bond strength to all surfaces. This study aimed to assess and compare the shear bond strength and adhesive remnants of orthodontic buccal tubes to natural teeth, ceramic crowns and zirconia crowns using two different bonding systems.
METHODS: In this in vitro study, 60 extracted human molar teeth were randomly assigned to three groups (n=20) and then divided into two subgroups(n=10). Bonding of buccal tubes to enamel, ceramic and zirconia surfaces was done using Assure plus universal bonding resin and Enhance LC. The shear bond strength of buccal tubes to the enamel, ceramic and zirconia surfaces were determined by universal testing machine. The SBSs and ARI scores were statistically analysed with and Kruskal Wallis test.
RESULTS: The mean shear bond strength of buccal tubes to enamel, ceramic and zirconia surfaces bonded with Assure plus and Enhance LC was highest for enamel followed by zirconia surfaces respectively. Non-parametric Kruskal-Walli’s test found significant differences regarding the shear bond strength and adhesive remnant index (ARI).
CONCLUSION: Bonding of buccal tubes to enamel, zirconia, and ceramic surfaces with Assure universal bonding resin and Enhance LC provided adequate bond strength. Thus, it may be used for bonding of orthodontic buccal tubes to the artificial crown surfaces in the clinical setting.
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