Comparative Evaluation Of Bond Failure Rate Of Orthodontic Brackets Bonded With Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement And Composite- A Randomized Control Trial Original Research
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Successful orthodontic treatment depends on the adhesive used for bonding orthodontic brackets and patient cooperation. Resin based adhesives are conventionally used but have drawbacks like white spot lesions and technique sensitivity. To overcome these problems, Resin modified glass ionomer cements (RMGIC) were introduced to utilise the fluoride releasing characteristic of GIC.
To compare and evaluate bond failure rate and type of bond failure between brackets bonded with RMGIC and composite.
Materials and methods:
25 patients undergoing orthodontic treatment were included and evaluated for 6 months. Bonding was done with RMGIC and composite. Patients were recalled every month and bond failure rate and type of bond failure was evaluated.
A total of 526 teeth were bonded out of which 263 were bonded with RMGIC and 263 with composite. Statistical analysis was done with Chi-square test (p>0.05). Maximum debonding was seen in RMGIC group (6.46%) compared to composite (3.42%). Maximum debonding was seen in 1st molars bonded with RMGIC (35.3%). Majority bond failure type observed was Adhesive enamel failure in brackets bonded with RMGIC.
From the study, it can be concluded that bond failure was commonly seen in RMGIC group in comparison with composite group. Adhesive enamel failure was the most commonly seen bracket failure type. RMGIC had majority bracket failure but within acceptable range and hence can be used as a substitute adhesive for bonding.
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