The risk of DIY dental practices- a look at self-inserted objects in teeth Case series

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Bhatt Sahana
Nagar Priya
Joju Jome
Kulkarni Maithili
S H Akshata
Devi Sanjana


When patients receive root canal therapy and have their canals left open for drainage, finding foreign items in the pulp chamber or root canal is not uncommon. Concluding the nature, location, and difficulty of retrieving the foreign body require a thorough patient history, clinical examination, and radiographic inspection. Children are more likely to experience this kind of incident since they frequently put strange things in their mouths. The foreign objects could potentially cause an infection, which could then result in a painful condition. This unique example of a metallic pin and several nail fragments extracted from a patient's root canal who had a nail-biting habit is reported.


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How to Cite
Sahana, B., Priya , N., Jome , J., Maithili, K., Akshata, S. H., & Sanjana, D. (2024). The risk of DIY dental practices- a look at self-inserted objects in teeth: Case series. International Journal of Pedodontic Rehabilitation, 9(1), 19–25.


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