Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): International Journal of Prosthodontic Rehabilitation

Kiran Ram k et al. Resin paint on technique- a new, simple technique for the beading and boxing of elastomeric impressions. Int J Prostho Rehabil 2022; 3: 2:1-9

Vidya S Bhat, Sanath Kumar Shetty, & Syed Khizer Ishaquddin. (2022). Self-Tapping Implants: Clinical Review. International Journal of Prosthodontic Rehabilitation, 3(2), 10–22.

Revathi Duraisamy, Jaya krishnaKumar, Raja sekar, Ashok Jacob, & Guhan Nathan. (2022). Full Mouth Rehabilitation using Hobo’s Twin Stage Technique - A Case Report Interdisciplinary approach: Case Report. International Journal of Prosthodontic Rehabilitation, 3(2), 23–36.

Rajasekaran Meenakshisundaram, Ramya Arun, Swarna Alamelu, Deepavalli A, & Shreemogana. (2022). Management of endodontically challenged and periodontally compromised tooth- a restorative approach: Case Report. International Journal of Prosthodontic Rehabilitation, 3(2), 37–43.

Aswana Jayaprakash, Ashwini Sukanya, & Jayakrishna Kumar. (2022). Wear resistance patterns of milled PEEK and PMMA provisional restorations for dental implant prosthesis: Original Article. International Journal of Prosthodontic Rehabilitation, 3(2), 44–57.

Published: 2022-11-01