Third molar cause for dental crowding : Opinion among dentist of all specialties – A questionnaire survey Original article
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Background: The role of third molar as a cause for incisor crowding has been controversial. There are different viewpoints which exist among clinicians in the management of third molars in these scenarios. Hence, this study intends to evaluate the opinion of dentists of various specialties and to understand their viewpoint in managing the same.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire with 12 relevant questions was distributed among dentists of various specialties, data were collected and analyzed.
Results: The majority of the professionals opined that the upper third molar eruption will not result in crowding and various other factors are associated with it. On the other hand, contrasting percentages are reported for the lower third molar can cause anterior crowding.
Conclusion: The majority of dentists of various specialties think that the anterior crowding is due to the other causes and the third molars play a very less role in creating the anterior crowding. This study also points toward the need for further clinical research in this field to throw a better insight and to help in establishment of a definitive clinical management protocol.
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