Questionnaire Survey about Knowledge of Incremental Techniques in Composite Placement among Dentists in South India Original article
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Introduction: Dental composite resins are types of synthetic resins which are used in dentistry as restorative material or adhesives. Synthetic resins evolved as restorative materials since they were insoluble, esthetic, and insensitive to dehydration. Polymerization shrinkage is one of the major disadvantages in composites due to “c” factor. The aim of the study was to reduce this configuration, factor incremental techniques have been used. Several incremental techniques being followed by dentists. Incremental techniques are one of the most comfortable and qualitative technique which reduces “c” factor in composites. This is a questionnaire survey which assesses the most practiced incremental technique by various dentists.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire survey about the most popularly used incremental techniques being used in composite placement by several dentists has been analyzed.
Results: Seventy percent of dentists are practicing incremental techniques in composite placement. The rest 30% of dentists are practicing bulk‑fill techniques. Of the dentists practicing incremental techniques, 71.43% are following oblique layering technique, 14.29% are following three‑site novel matrix, and the rest 14.29% are following successive cusp buildup technique.
Conclusion: Of the three incremental techniques, oblique layering technique has many advantages such as allows easier Class II buildup, with proper proximal contact, and proximal smooth surfaces. Another advantage is that there is adequate light exposure for polymerization.
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