HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Attitude Assessment among Indian Students: A Questionnaire - based Study

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Hina Handa
Shweta Chaturvedi
Kavita Badi


Background: HIV/AIDS has rapidly evolved into a global pandemic, impacting approximately 40 million individuals worldwide. The majority of those affected are adults in developing nations, accounting for 95% of global HIV infections and 90% of related fatalities. Access to oral health care and dental services remains a significant unmet need for individuals living with HIV/AIDS, largely due to poverty and the discrimination faced from dental professionals who may be reluctant to provide treatment. The World Health Organization has emphasized that all dentists are obligated to treat individuals infected with HIV; therefore, a dental practitioner's positive and proactive approach is often linked to their level of knowledge on the subject. Material and methods: A total of 60 interns and post graduate students were given a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire elicited information on self-rated HIV/AIDS knowledge, and attitudes. Results: The study showed that interns (11%) and post graduate students expressed higher 82.5% willingness to treat patients with HIV/AIDS. Secondly, 72% of the interns group expressed their need for the investigation in suspected patient while 16% of the intern group where non opiniated for the same. Conclusion: Students must be made well aware of the importance of treating HIV/AIDS patients and help the society from this drastic disease.

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How to Cite
Hina Handa, Shweta Chaturvedi, & Kavita Badi. (2024). HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Attitude Assessment among Indian Students: A Questionnaire - based Study. International Journal of Social Rehabilitation, 9(1), 26–32.


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