Questionnaire Survey on Cervical Spondylosis among Dentists Original article
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Most patients particularly dentists who present with neck pain have “non‑specific (simple) neck pain, “where symptoms have a postural or mechanical basis. Etiological factors are usually multifactorial, including poor posture, anxiety, depression, neck strain, and sporting or occupational activities. When mechanical factors are prominent, the condition is often referred to as “cervical spondylosis,” although the term is often applied to all non‑specific neck pain. The aim of this study was to find the frequency of neck pain among dentists.
Materials and Methods:
A cross‑sectional survey was carried out by convenience sampling in different dental hospitals of Chennai. A total of 100 questionnaires were filled by dentists. The data were collected using a questionnaire focusing on back position, travel to clinic, hours of practice, assisting hands during practice, duration of sleep, time spent on electronic gadgets, dizziness or discomfort after work, duration of pain, and if any treatment undergoing. Qualitative variables were represented as percentages and bar charts. Descriptive statistics, that is mean and standard deviation, were used to represent the total score.
Neck pain was the most common complaint. Sixty-seven percent were male and 33% were female. Thirty‑four percent are practising dentistry above 20 years, 32% above 15 years, 26% above 10 years, and 8% above 5 years. The position of practice is that 96% of the dentists practise sitting position and the rest 4% practise standing position. About 72% of dentists use electronic gadgets more than 3 h, 18% of dentists use them for 3 h, and 10 of them use.
A The frequency of neck pain and neck disability in dentists seemed to be high and is an area that needs further deliberation. The majority of working dentists have musculoskeletal symptoms in the neck.
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