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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the load-deflection rate of four different types of archwires used in initial stage of orthodontic treatment.
Materials and methods: A modified three-point bending test was performed on the sample of 60 wires of superelastic Nickel Titanium(NiTi), everwhite esthetic NiTi, thermal NiTi and multistranded coaxial stainless steel (15 each). The load exerted by each of the wire was measured at the deflections of 2 mm and 4mm, subsequent unloading process at 37°C temperature.
Results: Comparison of mean load-deflection values revealed that thermal NiTi wires had lowest value at both 2 and 4mm deflection when compared to other three wires which was statistically significant(p=0.009). Superelastic and esthetic NiTi showed similar values of load deflection ratios at both the deflections where as co-axial wire showed 1.89N at 2mm and 5.22N at 4mm deflection.
Conclusion: The heat-activated NiTi wires are acceptable in severe crowding and periodontally compromised patients. Multistranded co-axial wire is acceptable when we need minimal alignment; whereas esthetic NiTi wires can replace superelastic Niti based on patient’s need.
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